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The Importance of Holiday Respite Care

Some caregivers may feel guilty leaving their loved ones to participate in…

diabetes tech blog 1

Three Ways Technology Is Changing Diabetes Care in Florida

By 2050, the CDC estimates that diabetes will affect one in three adults. In…


Understanding the Health Effects of Loneliness: Take the Quiz

Feeling lonely isn’t just bad for our psyche — it can lead to a variety of…

assisted living regulations (1)

Everything You Need to Know About Florida Assisted Living Licenses

Assisted living is instrumental in maintaining the health and well-being of…

4 ways to manage Alzheimers symptoms at home

4 Ways to Manage Alzheimer’s and Dementia Symptoms at Home

If your parent or partner was recently diagnosed with Alzheimer’s or dementia,…

sonata senior living community

Is it Time for a Senior Living Community? Answer these Questions to Find Out

We’re often asked: How do I know when it’s time for senior living?…

assisted living in florida

What to Consider When Choosing Assisted Living in Florida

If you think there are more options for assisted living in Florida than palm…

nurse talking to senior man in residential

Six Tips for a Smooth Move to a Sonata Assisted Living Community in Florida

If you’re dreading moving your loved one from home to assisted living, don’t.…

senior living memory care nutrition

Food for Thought: How Nutrition Affects Memory Care

The food, brain connection can have a powerful impact on quality of life for…

Sonata Senior Living Community First Day Tips

Tips For Your First Day in a Sonata Senior Living Community

Nervous about being the new kid in your senior living community? Check out tips…

senior home care or assisted living memory care

In-Home vs. Senior Community for Assisted Living or Memory Care

In-home Care vs. Assisted Living or Memory Care? Check out the ups and downs…

senior living florida

Senior Living Options in Florida: The Pros and Cons

When the time comes to decide whether continuing to live at home, rest assured…