Serenades Neighborhood
Serenades neighborhoods were purposely designed with our residents in mind. With three intimate neighborhoods, residents can easily find their way to the kitchen for delicious nutritionally planned meals. Served family style, meals are displayed in our kitchens on induction tops that allow aromas to infuse the air and provide cueing that it’s meal time. Opening into the living room residents have an opportunity to socialize and relax and comfort just like home. Our lifestyle program offers a variety of activities that provide the seven dimensions of wellness. From smaller group activities held in the neighborhood with staff participation and modeling. Continuity of our caregivers allows our residents to be familiar with those assisting with personal care needs. Medications are administered by a licensed nurse on site 24 hours who can easily communicate with physicians when needed. For convenience, we have on-site physician services, podiatry, psychiatric and therapy services as well as pharmacy delivery allowing you to enjoy quality time with your loved one.