What Is A Sonata Star?

What Is A Sonata Star?

Stars are magical, glowing, twinkling, celestial spots of beauty that have inspired humans since the beginning of time. When you look into the night sky, there’s usually a star that shines brighter than the others. One that stands out from the rest. We call ours a Sonata Star.

Sonata Senior Living Core Values

From the start, Sonata was founded on the idea that care and service to our residents and families should be personalized and extraordinary. Today, this mindset is always manifest in our servant hearts and passion for serving seniors.

At Sonata, what motivates and unites our team members is a shared desire to enrich the lives of older adults. Each of us has given selflessly of ourselves to senior living. Many have gone above and beyond to serve residents with a heartfelt devotion rarely seen in the workplace. These are the stars that shine brightly at Sonata. These are the Sonata Stars.

Just as we admire luminosity in stars, a Sonata Star radiates positive energy and brightens the lives of Sonata’s residents, families, and team members. They have in some unique or special way exhibited the core values that are foundational to Sonata’s culture. They are, in short, deserving of recognition.

The shared characteristics a Sonata Star will possess is a demonstrated and genuine enthusiasm for Service, Teamwork, and Respect (the STAR in our Sonata Stars).

  • Service – A Sonata Star actively seeks way of exceeding expectations by placing customer service at the center of everything they do. They never stop at “good enough” and challenge themselves and others to provide outstanding service to everyone at all times.
  • Teamwork – A Sonata Star is unstinting about coordinating and communicating to assure the sum of their efforts is greater than the parts. They give selflessly for the greater good.
  • Respect – A Sonata Star believes that every individual, without exception, deserves respect and is treated with dignity in an environment of safety, security, and supportive understanding.

Demonstrated integrity and passion in team members are also qualities that align with Sonata’s core values and are recognized in a Sonata Star with equal zest.

Sonata Star vs Celestial Star Qualities

Stars have been essential to humans since the beginning of time. They helped our ancestors measure time, make discoveries, and chart a safer course.

Much like a Sonata Star leads others by example, constellations would light up the night sky, guiding sailors in search of new worlds. Because they are considered lucky, to this day, people make a wish when they see a shooting star. Many believe astrological signs have influence over our destiny. And scientists continue to research how we might harvest stars as an energy source.

While they may look small, most stars are in fact larger than earth, like the impact a Sonata Star makes on all those around them. Sometimes, star clusters form by gravitational forces that bind them together. That happens at Sonata Senior Living, too. When one Sonata Star is formed, others sit up and notice, attracting similar energies focused on improving quality of life for seniors.

Among scientists, stars are known as the building blocks of galaxies. We feel that way about Sonata Stars. Great cultures are formed and sustained not by the skills of individual members, but by between members working toward one shared goal. Explore the stars in our universe using the Hubble Space Telescope.

Together, our Sonata Stars form the building blocks of a culture that rewards and celebrates those most true to our core values. Discover the Sonata Stars that make living and working at Sonata Senior Living both a privilege and a joy.