It’s Never Too Late

It’s Never Too Late

Healthy Aging at Sonata Senior Living

September is upon us, and it’s Healthy Aging® month. Which seems like a good enough reason to ask ourselves what, exactly, is healthy aging? Let’s start with what it isn’t.

Way back when, most of us got the message to “Act your age.” Well, that may satisfy the parents when you’re eight, but what’s the point when you’re sixty-eight? Or, for that matter, eighty?

It’s just part of human nature that we tend to get hidebound about what our preconceptions of aging are all about. And then all too often we tend to live out those preconceptions.

So, perhaps the first step in healthy aging is to look at the possibilities we keep pushing off as though we’re too advanced in years to attain them. To pick one or two. And to take one step. We like to say: as long as we can hear the clock ticking, it’s never too late.

With that in mind, why not take September’s Healthy Aging opportunity as a time to take stock. Not just of where we’ve been, but where we might want to go.

It’s Never Too Late To Meet Someone New

Spending time alone is one thing. Spending time being lonely is something different.

Life is better with friends, and part of healthy aging is simply the willingness to take a chance on other people.

Being open to meeting new people is not a huge commitment. At Sonata Senior Living, we have witnessed many of our residents create lasting friendships that make life more enjoyable. Which is the whole point of healthy aging, after all.

It’s Never Too Late To Start Moving

There is often a negative perception associated with the word “exercise.” It’s a commitment to a regimen. It takes too much time. Or it’s too difficult.

Not true. You can start with walking. You’ll be doing your body a favor by getting those muscles doing what they’re supposed to do. And it’s amazing how a daily walk changes our mental attitude and becomes something we look forward to.

At Sonata Senior Living, our independent living and assisted living communities present daily opportunities for seniors to get in shape and stay that way so they can play. Dance. Enjoy family and friends. Explore Florida’s many senior-friendly activities. And recreate … themselves!

It’s Never Too Late To Crack A Smile

A smile can brighten a room. A smile can brighten a day. It’s amazing what happens when you have a positive outlook.

And even when bad things happen, it’s often our sense of humor that gets us through and saves us. Which are all good reasons to limit the negative things in our lives. Negative nellies. Even the daily news. If something stands between us and our ability to have a laugh at life, we should give it a wide berth.

At Sonata Senior Living, we’ve learned that setting the stage for fun, games and even silliness gives each day a silver lining, whether or not there are clouds in the sky. Healthy aging is a daily commitment to having fun. And having fun is the key to longevity.

It’s Never Too Late To Be Musical

Okay, so maybe we won’t grace the stage of Carnegie Hall. Or fill a throbbing arena of adoring rock fans.

It doesn’t matter whether we’ve had a hankering to play a harmonica, fret a chord on a guitar or keep rhythm with the spoons. If your inner voice tells you that you can’t, push it aside. What do you have to lose?

There’s always the chance that, by giving our talent a chance, we’ll meet others similarly inclined. Create some memories. Create connections through music. And give our lives an infusion of joy we wouldn’t have found any other way.

It’s Never Too Late To Create

Okay, forget Van Gogh. He’s taken. But there’s only one way to find out if we have a creative side, or whether we inherited an artistic gene. And that’s to shush the inner critic and simply start doing. With emphasis on “start.”

At Sonata, we’ve set the stage for scads of seniors to try their hand at many different types of arts and crafts. For example, pursuits like sketching teach us to really see, to look at the world in a different way. Scrapbooking can open the way to creating a legacy or visualizing our life story.

Along the way, we may meet people whose talents mirror or complement our own. Or surprise our family and friends with a side of ourselves they (and we) never knew existed.

It’s Never Too Late To Give Back

You have a rich history and experience that is valuable to many. It’s time to share that wealth of knowledge. Volunteering is an essential, if sometimes underappreciated, way to be part of the community.

Explore volunteer opportunities for seniors in Florida.

At Sonata, we believe in providing ample opportunities for seniors to reach out and volunteer their hearts, minds and hands, whether through local schools or service organizations. Every volunteer opportunity leaves us doubly blessed, knowing that we have left the world a little better even as we’ve made our own lives more meaningful.

Sonata Senior Living celebrates Healthy Aging month in September and all year long! Whether meeting new people, pursuing new passions, or reigniting your favorite pastimes, senior living in Florida is the key to health and happiness. Remember, it’s never too late.

Learn more about the award-winning independent and assisted living at Sonata Senior Living and schedule a tour today.