COVID-19 is the abbreviated name for novel Coronavirus Disease 2019, a respiratory virus that can spread from person to person. The outbreak of this disease is evolving rapidly, with Fla. Gov. Ron DeSantis declaring a public health emergency shortly before two people in Florida recently tested presumptively positive for Coronavirus (COVID-19) in March 2020.
There are no known cases of COVID-19 in any of the Sonata Communities and the precautionary measures that aid in the safety and protection of our residents remain our number one priority.
Due to the Governor’s order on March 14th, all non-medical visits, with the exception of compassionate visits are prohibited to protect residents and staff effective immediately.
Emergency notifications to families will be conducted through our emergency communication channels including text notifications, telephone calls, and communicated directly to residents. Please visit for updates and resources.
Sonata’s management and operational teams have more than 20 years of experience overseeing infection control and management of contagious diseases in long term care. Our standard operational protocols and policies and procedures incorporate the latest Centers for Disease Control (CDC), Department of Health (DOH), and other state guidelines.
Our team members have been well trained and the necessary personal protective equipment (PPE) is on site.
Currently, we agree that the risk of contracting the virus is low, however, given the nature of the virus and uncertainty surrounding a vaccine, we have implemented the precautionary measures as outlined below.
- An Infection Surveillance Plan is in place for the ongoing detection of the presence of influenza-like symptoms in residents and staff, including the tracking of any and all flu like activity.
- An Infection Control Plan is in place for managing residents and visitors with pandemic influenza or other pandemic illnesses requiring direct care team members to use standard, contact, airborne, and eye protection for symptomatic residents.
- Protocols are in place for the evaluation and diagnosis of residents and/or staff with respiratory symptoms that may be due to a pandemic illness.
- There is a protocol in place to determine the appropriate placement and isolation of residents or team members that are diagnosed with a highly contagious illness requiring they be quarantined.
- A Community Communication Plan is in place including notification of key public health officials in the event of an influenza or other highly contagious diagnoses.
- All team members received education and training on infection control procedures and handwashing techniques to prevent the spread of pandemic influenza and other infectious diseases upon hire and annually thereafter.
- Contingency staffing arrangements are in place.
- Heightened sanitation protocols including frequent daily cleaning with an EPA registered, hospital grade, disinfectant of commonly touched environmental surfaces, such as doorknobs.
Everyone can control the spread of infection by doing their part!
- Wash your hands often for at least 20 seconds.
- Clean your hands before eating or touching food.
- Do not touch your mouth or face with your fingers.
- Cover your mouth and nose when you cough or sneeze and throw away your tissue immediately.
- If you are sick, avoid contact with others.
To learn more about operational protocols, policies and procedures, call a Sonata Senior Living community near you today.