The decision to shelter in place during the Covid-19 pandemic can be the safest choice, particularly for older adults.

Shelter-in-Place and Stay-at-Home Orders

Due to community spread of Covid-19, Florida has closed businesses, mandated social distancing and imposed restrictions on congregating in groups. Shelter-in-place or stay-at-home orders may also be mandated by a state to prevent the spread of coronavirus.

Despite some controversy, stay-at-home orders stem from a state’s responsibility to maintain public health and safety.

According to Elizabeth Goitein, a director of the liberty and national security program at the Brennan Center for Justice at New York University’s law school, states have the authority to impose curfews and quarantines, limit public gatherings and impose price controls on goods, among other restrictions.

Even as mandated stay-at-home orders are relaxed, many older adults will choose to shelter-in-place to prevent exposure to coronavirus.

How To Shelter In Place

Sheltering in place, whether at home or in a senior care community, is a strategy for limiting your exposure to Covid-19 by limiting your exposure to people and public places. It is a strategy of avoidance for high-risk people and older adults.

If you are planning to shelter in place, health care professionals recommend purchasing a two- to three-week supply of essentials. It’s important not to overbuy or hoard, but rather stock an extra supply to carry you through approximately three weeks.

Sheltering Tips For Older Adults

  • Remain indoors as much as possible and only leave home when necessary
  • When outside, try not to touch anything
  • Limit visitors from entering the home; instead, consider video chatting
  • Take inventory and stock up on food staples – aim for a three-week supply
  • Ensure you have sufficient medications, including over-the-counter and prescription medications
  • Ask your physician to call in a 90-day prescription to cut down on trips to the pharmacy
  • Purchase a three-week supply of essential paper and cleaning products
  • Stay connected to loved ones for safety and mental health

Most importantly, if you live alone and feel unwell, it is important to alert a family member or friend and ask them to check on you every day.

More tips for sheltering are available at

Older Adults Are Safer At Home

According to CNBC, many people with underlying medical conditions, including heart disease, lung disease and other chronic health conditions and illnesses, plan to stay at home regardless of changes to stay-at-home orders.

Due to the high risk of complications from Covid-19, the Centers for Disease Control and Prevention (CDC) recommend people with severe medical conditions stay at home to avoid being exposed to the virus.

Since people without symptoms may be able to spread the virus, the CDC advises staying at least six feet away from other people. Known as social distancing, this strategy is especially important for people who are at high risk of complications from Covid-19.

Even if you do not have a medical condition, data from the CDC shows risk for severe illness from Covid-19 is highest in people 65 and older. They recommend older adults stay home if possible to reduce the risk of getting sick.

Opening Up America To Older Adults

In the United States, a three-phased approach to Opening Up America includes specific recommendations for older adults. State and local officials, including state governors, are expected to use these recommendations to guide legislation and protect the most vulnerable populations.

According to an article in AARP, throughout all phases of the plan, sheltering in place will continue to help older adults reduce risk of a coronavirus infection.

Safety in Senior Living

The decision to stay home is a personal one based on your individual circumstances. If staying at home is not an option or you and your loved one require assistance with daily activities, an assisted living community offers a safe option for sheltering in place as well as precautionary measures designed to protect residents from exposure to coronavirus.

Keeping residents safe and happy is the number one priority of Sonata Senior Living. To learn more about Sonata’s Covid-19 precautionary measures, contact us today or schedule a virtual tour.

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